If everything worked perfectly right out of the box… it would be a pretty boring time for us tech nerds. Part of the joy of technology is the endless banging of your head off a brick wall as you try to solve issues or figure things out. In this section I share with you some essential tips and tricks that you really out to know!
Learn how to set up a Live Streaming Weather Camera!
In this tutorial, I show you how to set up a live weather camera feed using OBS studio and a cheap IP security camera for as little as $60! I walk you through the setup process step by step and show you why it’s actually a good idea to have such a weather feed available for public view!

GoPro locking up? Shutting down? Lost footage? Here’s how to fix it once and for all!
Have you had your GoPro shut down for no apparent reason whatsoever? Are you seeing the message “Sd Err, your card needs to be formatted?”. This isn’t a problem with your GoPro, it’s actually a problem with your Sd card. This video shows you how to fix this issue once and for all!
DemonViews Top Movies On YouTube!
This article is well worth the read, not only do I share my top videos from my YouTube channel (which I assure you are well worth the watch). I also share what I reckon is the one video that everyone SHOULD be watching this year (especially if you’re a first time GoPro owner). So, click the link above and make sure you have the best GoPro knowledge around, right at your fingertips!
GoPro Hero 11 shoots 4K 30FPS for over 8 Hours??? I apologize to GoPro!
In this video, I took up a challenge presented to me by one of my viewers. To see how long I could get my GoPro to record for in 4K 30FPS. Stunningly I recorded for over 8 hours before my SD card filled up. Watch the video to learn how I did this!
How to manually update your GoPro Hero 11 Firmware!
In this video I show you the proper way to manually update your GoPro Hero 11 firmware, I also show you the one extra step that you should do that others always leave out! This step is even recommended by the GoPro Engineers themselves.
Adding presets to the GoPro Hero 11
The ability to change presets or even add new presets to your GoPro Hero 11 is a huge timesaver. In this tutorial I show you exactly how to do just that!
Fix Your GoPro!
My top 5 essential tips for fixing SD Err message, freezing and rebooting GoPro camera’s. If you want to have trouble free shooting, then you need to watch this video.
Introduction to GoPro Labs Part 1
For those of you who don’t know, GoPro Labs is a special firmware you can load onto your camera to unlock many more additional features. These include motion detection, speed triggers, sound triggers, extra long timelapses and even some security features! Find out more in this introduction to GoPro’s best hidden features!
GoPro Hero 10 Firmware Update!
The GoPro app makes it easy to update your GoPro, but a bad update can result in some major issues. In this video I explain how to properly update your GoPro, give you a tip that many people don’t know about and I walk you through the new performance modes and why you should pay attention to them!
GoPro GPS Tips!
Can’t get GPS data to display on your GoPro? Stickers button greyed out even though GPS is turned on? This video quickly explains the issue and how to fix it!
GoPro SD Card Issues
Have you been getting SD Err messages on your camera screen? Seeing the message “Repairing File” displayed constantly? GoPro shutting down for no reason whatsoever? Have you lost all your GoPro footage? If these issues sound familiar then this is a video that you’re not going to want to miss. I explain what causes these issues and more importantly, the simple quick fix that stops it all from happening!