
If you feel the need to get in contact or visit my related sites, this is the page you are looking for!

My YouTube Channel

The best place to find my latest reviews, tips, tricks, tutorials and movies. Don’t forget to hit “Like” and “Subscribe”

My Instagram Page

I try to post some good photos or videos here, along with my camera settings that I use. So it’s a very quick way to see how to set up a shot and what settings to use.

My Amazon Wish List

A list of things I think would be handy or even like to review. It’s also a wish list, so there’s some insanely expensive stuff on there too. So if you’ve recently won the lottery and feel like buying me something, this is a good starting point! You can also help be a producer on the DemonView movies, so hey, choose a list and see if you want to donate! Catering list (feed the crew!), Producer Credit (a little more expensive but needed equipment), Major Sponsor (This is for those wanting to help produce DemonView Movies)

Donate to Demonview!

Want to help make DemonView a better place for all? Want to help sponsor a video or a flight? Want to buy me pizza or a coffee? Here’s your chance! Click that donate button and help make the world (or just this website) a better place.