In this latest video, to escape the wildfire smoke of Portland, MerryMunks and I flew to Central Oregon to land at a pretty remote location. Enjoy the sights and the soundtrack for this amazing flight! This video shows the power of using YouTube Creators licensed music in your videos as it really does level up your video game. The track featured “New Cydonia” by the awesome artist Starcadian.
Tag: Aviation
Flight to Workman AirField. New DemonView Movie!

Ever wonder what it’s like to fly into an airfield? Well, no doubt you’ve watched the flight to Evergreen Airpark, this is the follow up where we flew to Workman Airfield OR41. So, in this movie, MerryMunks, Natasha Stenbock and I flew out to Workman Airpark in a Maule M5 180C. Weather wise it was a pretty nice day, warm temps but a bit of smog in the air from all the brush fires which were legal for that time of the year. Lots of things to see from the air in this flight and the Maule handled the flight with ease (thanks to the great pilot of course). It’s always a pleasure to the skies of Oregon and see such amazing sights. However, working in the back of the plane is sometimes a fulltime job. If you see me with my head down, it’s usually because I’m working the cameras or looking up information about our destination that the pilot and co-pilot need to know. So really hope that you enjoy the Flight to Workman Airpark video.