About DemonView

Click on the cup to buy me some coffee!
Click on the above picture to buy me a cup of coffee!

About Me

If you detected an Irish lilt in my videos, then you’ve got a good ear.  Born and raised in Ireland, I became hooked on technology at an early age and was always interested in what software and gadgets were being released on the market.

I was lucky enough to meet my future wife (MerryMunks) while in Ireland and eventually we ended up moving to the US.  By then I had left the gadget world behind until she purchased me my first action camera.  That re-ignited my whole fascination with being a technology Guru and combined with her love for flying, I think it worked out pretty well.  Ever since then I’ve discovered a love of photography and videography and it’s my primary hobby these days.  It even managed to nab me my first (and hopefully not last) GoPro Award in Feb 2021.


Although I’ll admit there are certain brands and manufacturing companies that I’m a fan of, I don’t believe in blind loyalty or toxic fandom. To this end, if I believe someone has a bad product, I’ll happily call them out on it.  Not to be mean, but as an honest statement and to hopefully encourage them to make a better product in future. 

This is one of the reasons I started DemonView.  I want to help people (You!) get the best experience out of a product, give you honest reviews and thoughts on products.  At the end of the day I want you to be able to trust what you’re reading is the plain and honest truth, that’s no bias driven by loyalty or that reviews bought and paid for like they are on other sites out there.

I also want you to be able to get the best experience out of a product and if there’s a problem that needs to be solved, or a workaround that can be implemented to improve things, hopefully you can find the solution here.


Why the name DemonView?

What can I say?  I like the name cause it sounds cool, and it implies that one is going to get a much different perspective on things.  Also “nerdydudewholikestoreviewthings” just was nowhere near as catchy or easy to spell.

I have a problem with my electronic device, can you help me fix it?

Check my “Tips and Tricks” page.  I have a lot of fixes and solutions for things there.  I can’t respond to every single message that I get due to time constraints, but if you leave a message on one of my YouTube videos (and I haven’t covered the solution already), I’ll try to create a video that may help you and others with the same issue

I’d like to feature one of your video’s on my channel!

I’m pretty open to that, I do request that you include a link to my channel in your video description though and that any content used is used in the intended context.  Editing or changing my videos to change the content or context of the original intended message is not allowed.